46. Stay away from those distractions- Attention Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users- step away from the social networking! For those who work in an office environment where you are constantly on the computer (and internet), it can be a challenge to stay away from fun distractions such as games and chatting to friends. You need to block these sites to stop yourself from using them at work. This is not good for your self-improvement, and, if your employer catches you, it also won't be good for your career. Other distractions come from gossipy co-workers and text messages. Steer clear of these distractions to improve your work ethics. There's a time and a place for distractionsit's called 'after work.'
47. Take baby steps- big projects are hard to tackle. However, the hardest part is always starting it. If you have to tackle a big project, break it up into smaller sections. A book is really only several different chapters. Think about this when you need to tackle your next big project. This can make the project a lot less overwhelming and greatly increases your chance of success.
48. Relax, once in a while- it's okay to take a few minutes during the day for yourself, as long as it is not stopping your productivity. Many people can motor through a 10 hour working day without a break; most
people, however, cannot. Use your breaks to their full potential but relaxing and recharging.
47. Take baby steps- big projects are hard to tackle. However, the hardest part is always starting it. If you have to tackle a big project, break it up into smaller sections. A book is really only several different chapters. Think about this when you need to tackle your next big project. This can make the project a lot less overwhelming and greatly increases your chance of success.
48. Relax, once in a while- it's okay to take a few minutes during the day for yourself, as long as it is not stopping your productivity. Many people can motor through a 10 hour working day without a break; most
people, however, cannot. Use your breaks to their full potential but relaxing and recharging.
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