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Self-Improvement and Productivity in the Working Environment 4

49. Take advantage of your peak time- everyone has a certain time during the day that they get the most work done. For many, this is in the morning. For others, this may be after lunch. Take advantage of your peak time by working through the hard tasks then.

50. Stop procrastinating- it's sooooo easy to procrastinate. But it's also sooooo bad for your work ethics to do so. Setting daily goals, using 'To Do' lists and small rewards for a job well done can all beat procrastination before it beats you.

51. Never stop learning- you are never too old to continue your education. Many people assume that they chose one career path and are stuck with this choice. Not true, especially not anymore. There are so many different ways to increase your education including online courses, distance education and night classes. Book clubs and other clubs can also increase your brainpower and help with self improvement.


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